Communication workflow automation for clinical trial operation

Automate you communication with your Clinical Trial Patients for better adherence, engagement and data collection.
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Revolutionize your clinical trials management with workflow automation

Removes repetitive manual tasks with automated processes operated by an intelligent system. By leveraging self-operating processes that perform manual tasks, workflow automation will save time and money, diminish errors, and boost productivity in your clinical operation.
Remind, Retain, Engage
Curecall’s text messaging software helps you improve engagement, adherence and retention while reducing study staff workloads.
Improve Data Collection
Curecall makes it simple and easy to send out reminders and surveys that will be noticed by your participants and that will help you collect the data you need to achieve success in your research projects.
Save Time
Phone calls and emails are no longer effective for subject communications. Interactive text messaging from Curecall frees up staff time while leveraging mobile’s most popular channel.

Improve Research Workflows

Digitally transform clinical trial management by automating end-to-end workflows, human tasks, and decisions. Standardize all the processes in streamlined workflows that are easily configurable. Free employees to focus on higher-value work and reduces the time to market, the cost, and the burden to run a successful clinical trial. Curecall enables you to efficiently communicate with, collect data from, and engage research participants by using automated text messaging workflows.

Improve Research Workflows

Improve engagement, adherence and data collection

Improve engagement, adherence and data collection

Curecall removes repetitive manual tasks with automated processes operated by an intelligent system. You can communicate efficiently with patients by setting up automated messages with personalized appointment reminders, compliance alerts, survey links, and medication adherence messages to keep patients engaged, adherent and ensure high quality data collection. Studies have shown that 98% of SMS are read, making it the most efficient way to engage with patients and collect information.

Optimize your resource management during clinical trials

By leveraging self-operating processes that perform manual tasks, workflow automation will save time and money, diminish errors, and boost productivity in your clinical operation. Curecall aims to revolutionize clinical trial management by replacing manual processes with an intelligent and autonomous engine that enables the clinical team to focus on higher-value work instead of repetitive tasks.

Optimize your resource management during clinical trials

A reliable patient registry

A reliable patient registry

Curecall offers a solution for CROs to simplify the communication between team members, keep patients compliant and capture data easily during clinical trials. Whether you are looking to increase operational efficiency across multiple studies or need to identify new ways to increase patient engagement and retention for a single study, Curecall makes life easier by leveraging the most powerful and secure channel: Text messaging.
Text messaging is widespread and low-cost tool for patient engagement2. With 91% of mobile users keeping their phones within an arm’s reach 24/71, studies have shown the effectiveness of SMS reminders in monitoring chronic patients3.
Plus, SMS is an attractive tool for public health because it instantly relays information increasing adherence to medication4. With a 99% opening rate5 and people between 45-65 years old becoming the fastest-growing group of “texters”, text messaging offers a wide range of volunteers for effective engagement strategies.
Curecall will help eliminate obstacles that add time, cost, and uncertainty to your recruitment.
Sources :
1. The feasibility of using SMS as a health survey tool: an exploratory study in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Int J Med Inform. 2013
2. Morgan Stanley
3. Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore and National University Health System, 12 Science Drive, Singapore, 2020
4. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 20195. Osterberg L, Blaschke T. Adherence to medication. N Engl J Med. 2005
5. Osterberg L, Blaschke T. Adherence to medication. N Engl J Med. 2005

Why using text messaging platform instead of an app ?

Strategic Benefits of Conversational Experience
We’re entering into a world of smart messaging to give patient follow-up a more human face. Text messaging is the best technology to communicate efficiently with patients even with older participants.
Mobile’s Most Popular Channel
Universal, engaging and interactive
Automated and Personalized
Flexible, personal messaging based around your workflows
Configurable, two-way text messaging created specifically for supporting the patients’ needs in every step of his eye care follow up
Avoid the “Download, use and trash” effect of the APP and use a cost effective solution

Reasons researchers choose Curecall

Helping you achieve study goals and improve your workflow processes are our top priorities.
Ready to see how your project could use Curecall?